A chat with Tamara O'Leary

Apprentice of the month, June 2023


Tamara comes from Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire and is doing the Supporting thDelivery of Physical Education and School Sport apprenticeship at Portfield School.  Portfield offer edcuation and opportunities to young people with additional needsTamara loves her job and has gained confidence in her communication skills through our Essential Skills courseShe was nominated for her work ethic and her commitment to learning new things even if it’s a bit scary at first. 

Why did you decide to take a Sports apprenticeship with the Urdd?   

I like sports and being active.  I feel very passionatley that everyone can take part isome way or another. 

In what way has developing your (Numeracy, Communication or DigitalLiteracy) skills added towards your apprenticeship? 

 I feel really confident speaking Welsh now and I feel more confident writing my apprenticeship work too 

What do you enjoy most about your job and how has imroving your Essential Skills helped? 

I love working at Portfied School, I feel really fortunate to work with the pupils of the school. I think that the Essential Skills Course has effected my practice as I am now much more confident communicating in Welsh.  

What does completing youapprenticeship in Welsh mean to you? 

I hope to do more work bilingually- in the future. 

In what way has making Essential Skills part of your Apprenticeship effected your personal developement 

I feel much more confident.